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What is the Gender Pay Gap?Client-Focused & Passionate Representation

What is the Gender Pay Gap?


If you have ever heard of the gender pay gap and you are currently paid a wage that you believe may be unfair in relation to other employees where you work, you might be wondering if you have a claim. It is important to understand what the term “gender pay gap” means, and how you can determine if you are experiencing discrimination at work in relation to the current pay you are receiving. Our Palm Beach Gardens sex and gender discrimination attorneys can discuss the gender pay gap with you in more detail, and we can tell you more about how unequal pay may be unlawful in Florida and grounds for a discrimination claim.

Learning About the Gender Pay Gap

What is the gender pay gap? According to the Pew Research Center, the term is used to refer to “the difference between the earnings of men and women” in the workforce. Pew reports that the gender pay gap “has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades,” and as of 2022, women in the American workforce were earning an average of 82 cents for every 1 dollar earned by men.

How does the gender pay gap exist in Florida? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in Florida, women earn 84.2 percent of the pay of their male counterparts. That percentage has actually declined in recent years, with a high point in 2017 when female employees earned 87.9 percent of what their male counterparts earned.

Laws Requiring Equal Pay and Prohibiting Sex Discrimination

The Equal Pay Act protects against wage discrimination on the basis of sex, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Florida Civil Rights Act protect against sex and gender discrimination more broadly.

Does the Gender Pay Gap Signal Sex or Gender Discrimination?

Many employees want to know: does the fact of the gender pay gap signal sex or gender discrimination? While the gender pay gap has historic roots in discrimination on the basis of sex and gender, an existing gender pay gap in a specific workplace does not necessarily mean that there is an actionable claim for sex or gender discrimination, or that the employer has violated the Equal Pay Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Florida Civil Rights Act. In many cases, as the Pew Research Center explains, many female employees start out at the same wage as their male counterparts, but over time, “they lose ground as they and progress through their work lives,” which can be connected to parenthood and time away from the workforce.

Yet, there are certainly circumstances in which a gender pay gap in a particular workplace may be a result of unlawful discrimination. It is important to have your situation assessed by an attorney with experience handling sex and gender discrimination claims in Florida.

Contact a Palm Beach Gardens Sex and Gender Discrimination Lawyer

If you are currently paid in a manner that you believe may be discriminatory, it is important to discuss your circumstances with an experienced Palm Beach Gardens sex and gender discrimination attorney at Sconzo Law Office. We can speak with you today to learn more about the details of your employment and pay situation, and we can represent you if you are able to file an employment discrimination claim under state or federal law.




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