West Palm Beach Wage & Hour Attorney

Representing Employees in Wage & Work Hour Discrepancies

Have you been short-changed on your work hours or wages? Has your employer refused or failed to pay you for overtime? When it comes to these difficult situations, you may need the assistance of a West Palm Beach wage theft attorney to make things right.

At Sconzo Law Office, P.A., our West Palm Beach wage & hour attorneys are highly qualified and dedicated to fighting against violations of both state and federal employee protection laws. Every employee should be paid what is rightfully theirs for the hours they have worked. We will review your case to determine whether you have a valid legal claim against your employer. We are dedicated to getting you the justice you deserve.

Understanding Wage Theft in Florida

Wage theft is defined as the denial of earned wages or benefits. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that was passed in 1938 to protect many basic legal rights of American workers.

The law features statutes pertaining to the minimum wage and overtime pay and affects employees in most private and public job sectors. It requires that employers to pay covered employees who are not otherwise exempt at least the federal minimum wage as well as overtime pay of one-and-one-half-times (“time and a half”) the regular rate of pay.

Unlike most other states, Florida does not have a designated state agency to report wage violations. This means you must either file your wage theft claim with the federal Department of Labor or file a lawsuit in court.

Statutes of limitations may limit your claim depending on your case, which is why it is important to act fast and consult with an attorney.

How We Can Help You Fight Your Wage and Hour Dispute

If you have found yourself embroiled in a dispute over your wages or work hours, you may feel hopeless in your fight against your employer. Rest assured, however, that we have what it takes to serve as your voice and seek a favorable resolution.

Sconzo Law Office, P.A. represents individuals in various types of wage and work hour disputes, such as:

  • Employees working off the clock or after hours without pay
  • Employees being paid regular wages when working overtime
  • Minimum wage violations
  • Employees who are not paid a final check after dismissal or voluntary departure
  • Employees who have been misclassified as exempt from overtime, such as executive, administrative, professional, outside sales, or other exemptions and thus rightfully owed overtime wages
  • Employees who have been misclassified as independent contractors and thus denied certain wages, overtime, or other benefits
  • Unpaid wages based on faulty recordkeeping or miscalculation
  • Employees who are owed commissions, such as sales agents or realtors

You should not be intimidated by the belief that your employer holds all the cards. Certain laws have been enacted to protect you regarding wages, overtime, and work hours. These laws outline your rights, which can be enforced through proper legal action.

You Are Not Alone

Our mission is to defend your legal rights when they are violated. You may be owed back wages, overtime wages, or legitimate commissions. We will take immediate legal action when appropriate to help you gain the compensation you need and deserve.

We understand that you might be hesitant to take legal action but rest assured that we will let you dictate all important decisions regarding your claim. We always work closely with our clients to ensure they are getting the representation that makes them comfortable and fits into their budget. We also offer free, no-obligation consultations, so there’s no harm in giving us a call to discuss your case.