Tips For Telling Your Florida Employer You Are Pregnant

While many women are excited to tell the world that they are expecting, there can be hesitation when it comes to informing your employer. It is understandable that you have concerns, considering statistics on pregnancy discrimination. Around 25 percent of workers have contemplated leaving their job out of fear that they would be mistreated, while 1 in 5 mothers report that they have actually experienced discriminatory conduct in the workplace. It seems like a double-edged sword when you need to let your boss know for purposes of performing your duties, yet you have concerns about losing your job.
This unfortunate scenario is exactly the reason behind pregnancy discrimination laws. Multiple statutes protect your rights, and they offer powerful remedies against employers that engage in misconduct. A West Palm Beach pregnancy discrimination lawyer will assist in pursuing the company and recovering monetary damages. However, there are still some factors to consider when telling your employer that you are expecting.
Do Some Basic Homework First
Most Florida employers are well-aware of anti-discrimination laws, so they have worked the requirements into their employee policies. This resource is your starting point because it may include specifics on informing the company about your pregnancy. However, you should also be aware of:
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA): This law requires an employer to extend the same benefits and accommodations to you as it would to another employee, and it applies to companies with 15 or more workers.
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Another federal statute requires your employer to allow 12 weeks of leave in a one-year period to care for yourself and/or a new baby. This applies to companies with 50 or more workers.
Carefully Consider Timing
FMLA requires you to request leave 30 days in advance, but this is not the only question about timing on your announcement. You may need to tell your employer earlier if you need time off for doctor’s appointments or need to adjust your work duties. Plus, it is a show of good faith to make the company aware, so they can start planning for your leave.
Stick to Basics with the Initial Announcement
You may have spent time considering the reaction, but your employer is just now getting unexpected news. It makes sense to keep things simple and short, and leave the planning for another time. Still, stress that you are committed to working with the company on solutions and plan to return to your position.
Request Appropriate Accommodations
Do not be afraid to ask for the necessities that enable you to do your job. Pregnancy discrimination laws require your employer to provide reasonable accommodations, such as less lifting and more frequent breaks.
Discuss Options with a Palm Beach Gardens Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney
These are just a few factors to consider when telling your employer that you are expecting, but the information is also useful for explaining your rights. If your employer violated pregnancy discrimination or leave laws, you may qualify for legal relief. Our team at Sconzo Law Office can explain your remedies, so please call 561-279-6114 or contact us online to schedule a free case review.