Reasonable Accommodation Under Florida Disability Discrimination Laws

Many types of workplace discrimination are covered Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, but discrimination on account of disability is governed by a separate, very specific statute. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employers from treating current workers and prospective employees differently because of a disabling medical condition. The Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA) contains a provision that closely parallels the ADA. A key provision of disability discrimination laws imposes a duty on employers for purposes of equality in the workplace: Companies are required to provide “reasonable accommodation” for employees with disabilities.

The details of this term are very important for understanding your rights, and there are multiple factors that dictate what constitutes reasonable accommodations. You should discuss your circumstances with a West Palm Beach disability discrimination attorney if you have concerns about treatment at work. A summary of the relevant concepts is also helpful.

Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace:

There are many tasks in a typical work environment where a person with a disabling medical condition can perform, but he or she requires tools to assist. The ADA puts the duty on the employer to make these reasonable accommodations that enable the employee to perform work-related functions. The company would be responsible for:

  • Modifying the basics of the job, such as re-arranging the schedule from days to nights;
  • Adjusting the physical layout or features of the workplace, including widening aisles and altering the employee’s workspace; and,
  • Amending company policies, which might mean allowing the employee to work from home.

Legal Remedies Under ADA:

There are many federal laws that the government must enforce, but the ADA is one statute that provides a private right of action if you were denied reasonable accommodations. Employees who are subjected to disability discrimination can file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), seeking monetary damages and equitable relief. In fact, you can specifically request that your employer provide reasonable accommodations as one form of relief.

Limitations on Employee Rights:

There are two important points to understand about remedies under the ADA:

  1. Employers are not required to take on an undue burden or extreme expense when making modifications, which would contravene the idea that the accommodations be reasonable. The company size, cost of the adjustment, disruptions to the workplace, and other factors are a focus.
  2. The ADA only applies to employers with 15 or more employees, so those working for smaller companies cannot seek remedies under this statute. However, there may be other options for disability discrimination claims based upon reasonable accommodation.

Set Up a Consultation with a Florida Disability Discrimination Lawyer

An overview of reasonable accommodations under the ADA and FCRA is useful, but you can trust Sconzo Law Office to handle the details with your claim. Our team advocates on behalf of employees throughout Palm Beach County, so we are ready to advise on a wide range of employment law matters. Please call 561-279-6114 or visit our website to schedule a consultation with a disability discrimination attorney today.