Palm Beach Sex Discrimination Attorney

Women have long been at a disadvantage in the workplace. Many industries formally excluded women in the past. And even today, there are many examples of women being treated less favorably than men by employers. Additionally, many workers face discrimination based on their failure to conform to “traditional” gender norms and gender expression.

Both the federal government and the state of Florida broadly prohibit such discrimination. These laws empower affected workers to take legal actions against past, current, or potential employers who decide the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of sex. If you are one of those workers and need legal advice or representation from a skilled Palm Beach sex discrimination attorney, the Sconzo Law Office, P.A., is here to help.

Sex Discrimination Takes Many Forms

Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act and the Florida Civil Rights Act both prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of sex. Discrimination can refer to any different and unequal treatment. Some common examples of sex discrimination include:

  • refusing to hire a woman to perform a particular job;
  • paying women less than men to perform substantially the same work;
  • requiring an employee to dress a certain way based on gender stereotypes, e.g., demanding a transgender woman to “dress like a man”;
  • promoting a man to an executive role over far more experienced woman;
  • disciplining an employee based on perceived gender roles, e.g., telling a female salesperson they need to “act more feminine” or “less assertive”;
  • conducting mass layoffs in a way that favors men over women; or
  • creating a hostile work environment where employees are targeted for harassment based on their sex.

Sex discrimination also frequently involves what is known as “quid pro quo” harassment. This is where a supervisor demands sexual favors from an employee in exchange for certain benefits, such as a raise or a promotion. Such harassment is illegal regardless of the sex of the parties involved. In other words, a male supervisor who engages in quid pro quo harassment against a male employee is still committing illegal sex discrimination.

Contact the Sconzo Law Office Today

Some sex discrimination cases can be handled through an employer’s internal processes. But more often than not, outside legal action is necessary. Typically, an employee must first file a formal charge of sex discrimination with either the U.S. Equal Employment Commission (EEOC) or the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR). The agency will then investigate the employee’s claims and may take direct action against the employer. Otherwise, the employee will receive a “right to sue” letter and they can take the employer to court.

The law authorizes a court to award damages to an employee affected by sex discrimination. This can include compensatory damages such as back pay and benefits and mental anguish. A court may also award punitive damages to punish especially egregious acts of discrimination.

A qualified Palm Beach Gardens sex discrimination lawyer can review your case and offer you more specific advice about your potential damages. So if you need to speak with a lawyer, contact the Sconzo Law Office, P.A., today to schedule a complimentary consultation.