Different Types of Employment Agreements in Florida

When you are applying for jobs in South Florida, or if you are already employed and are trying to create a new employment agreement with your employer, it is important to understand the different types of employment agreements that exist in Florida and what rights and obligations they come with for employees (and what employees can expect from their employers). In general, employees in Florida will be classified as “at-will” employees unless there is another specific employment contract in place. Being an at-will employee is one type of employment agreement, but there are others.
Our Palm Beach Gardens employment lawyers can tell you more, and we are here to assist you in drafting, reviewing, or negotiating the terms of an employment agreement. And if you believe your employer violated one or more of the terms of an existing employment agreement, or engaged in unlawful discrimination, our attorneys can assist you with a claim.
At-Will Employment Agreements
Most employees in South Florida are at-will employees, which means that their employee-employment relationship is not based on the terms of a specific contract, but rather under the general terms of at-will employment. As the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) explains, employment relationships are generally “presumed to be ‘at-will,’” and they involve an employment relationship in which the employer is permitted to terminate the employee at any time and for any reason (other than an unlawful one) without legal repercussions. Likewise, an employee can quit their job at any time and for any reason without legal repercussions.
Written Contracts
If an employee is not an at-will employee, then they will typically have an employment agreement governed by a written contract. As the NCSL explains, a written employment contract modifies or changes the at-will employment relationship. With a written contract, an employee and employer can agree, for example, to a specific time period of employment, pay and benefits, reasons for valid termination, terms under which an employee can leave the business without legal repercussions, and more.
Implied and Oral Agreements
There are some situations in which there is no written contract, but there is some type of conversation, or an action (or actions), has taken place that has led the employee to believe that there is an oral agreement in place that modifies their at-will employment relationship, or an implied contract that does so. Depending on the circumstances under which an oral or implied contract might have come into existence, it could be enforceable. It is essential to discuss the specific facts with an employment law attorney.
Contact a Palm Beach Gardens Employment Law Attorney
Do you have any questions or concerns about an employment agreement or employment contract? Whether you are in the process of seeking a new position and need assistance with any aspect of review or negotiations, or you have concerns about a violation, one of the experienced Palm Beach Gardens employment law attorneys at Sconzo Law Office can speak with you today. Contact us to learn more about the services we provide to employees in South Florida.