Common Challenges in Wrongful Termination Claims

You go to work every day to support yourself and your family. You rely heavily on the income you earn. If you are fired then, it is more than just a job loss. It is devastating, and you may not know how to proceed. Florida, like all states, is an at-will state, meaning employers generally have a right to fire employees at any time and for any reason. Still, there are times when an employer breaks the law by firing an employee. For example, employers are prohibited from firing any employee due to reasons of discrimination or retaliation.

If you believe that you have been wrongfully terminated, you may be able to take legal action against your employer. Unfortunately, proving wrongful termination is not easy. Below, our Palm Beach Gardens wrongful termination attorney outlines how to prove your claim so you recover the full compensation you deserve.

Insufficient Documentation

Simply stating that you were wrongfully terminated is not enough to prove your case. You must have solid evidence to prove your case and any statement you make against your employer. If it comes down to your word against that of your employer’s, you will have a difficult time proving your case.

The best way to prove your case is to ensure you have sufficient documentation. This can come in the form of employment-related journal or log entries, and copies of any communication between you and your employer. Previous employment reviews showing that you were a strong performer and employer can also help to show the reason for the firing was illegal.

Actions Towards Other Employees

If you believe your employer illegally terminated you, it is often helpful to document how your employer treats other employees. For example, if you are an older employee and you notice your employer started hiring only younger employees prior to your termination, that could prove that you were fired illegally. Employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their age. Always observe how your employer treats other employees, specifically those who have similar situations as you, and make note of any differences in the way they treat other employees.

Time Limits

You only have a certain amount of time to file a claim or complaint. For example, if you believe the termination was based on discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) gives you just 180 days to file a complaint. If you do not meet this or other deadlines in your case, it will become very difficult to obtain the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Our Wrongful Termination Attorney in Palm Beach Gardens Can Prove Your Case

While losing your job is always frustrating, it is never easy to prove that the firing was against the law. At Sconzo Law Office, our Palm Beach Gardens wrongful termination attorney knows the important evidence you need to strengthen your case and can help you collect it so you obtain the maximum damages that are justly yours. Call us now at 561-279-6114 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more.
