Author Archives: Jay Butchko

4 Accommodations Owed to Disabled Employees in Florida

By Sconzo Law Office |

Florida employers have made great strides in terms of promoting inclusivity in the workplace, but employees with disabilities are still adversely affected by on-the-job conditions. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to provide a reasonable accommodation that enables a disabled worker to perform job-related tasks. Still, some workers are forced to quit… Read More »

What are the Legal Steps Under Florida Whistleblowers Laws?

By Sconzo Law Office |

If you observe misconduct by your employer that harms the interests of the federal or state government, you might consider bringing the illegal acts to the attention of officials. At the same time, you are right to be concerned about getting fired or being treated unfairly at work as a form of retaliation. Fortunately,… Read More »

Three Pregnancy Discrimination Laws That Protect Expectant Employees

By Sconzo Law Office |

Pregnant employees in Florida might be vulnerable to mistreatment by employers if not for federal and state anti-discrimination laws. These statutes protect you from termination or other adverse consequences, such as being denied a promotion or suffering a reduction in pay. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and its state counterpart, the Florida Commission… Read More »

Spotting the Subtle Signs of Religious Discrimination

By Sconzo Law Office |

No matter what type of discrimination is affecting an employee at work, it is rare that an employer will be obvious and outrageous about engaging in mistreatment. The more likely scenario is that the company will be subtle or even secretive, especially with religious discrimination. Statistics from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) indicate… Read More »

What Does Joint Employer Status Mean Under Florida Employment Laws?

By Sconzo Law Office |

In a typical employment relationship in Florida, an employee works for a single employer who pays wages and carries the responsibility of complying with employment laws. However, it is also common for an employee to have a dual workload with two separate employers that are linked in some way. The arrangement establishes two or… Read More »

Defenses Florida Companies Use to Fight a Race Discrimination Claim

By Sconzo Law Office |

When a Florida employer engages in racial discrimination with workplace operations, there are consequences for the company and legal remedies for the employee. It is possible for a worker to recover monetary damages, including amounts for back pay, front pay, interest, and pain and suffering. You may have grounds to file a charge if… Read More »

Filing a Florida Versus Federal Employment Discrimination Charge

By Sconzo Law Office |

No matter what type of discrimination you suffered at work, there is a specific legal process for enforcing your rights under both US and Florida statutes. The most common law that employers violate is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, but there are many others. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Florida… Read More »

Look Beyond the Agreement for Independent Contractor Status

By Sconzo Law Office |

When you embark on a new professional opportunity with a company in Florida, you might be asked to sign a contract that covers the details of your relationship. Written agreements are effective in establishing the arrangement between the parties, but you may be concerned when the document states that you are an independent contractor… Read More »

Can I be Fired While on Leave under FMLA?

By Sconzo Law Office |

There are numerous laws at the state and federal level that protect employees in the workplace in Florida, and one in particular applies to your rights when you need time off from your job. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you are permitted to take a leave of absence if you qualify…. Read More »

What are Florida Employment Laws on Drug Testing in the Workplace?

By Sconzo Law Office |

Florida is one of many US states that allows marijuana for medical reasons, and there are even initiatives to get approval to use cannabis for recreational purposes. Between marijuana that is illegal for some and controlled substances that are illegal for all, it can be confusing to understand your rights under employment laws. As… Read More »