Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Can My Employer Make Deductions from My Paycheck?

By Sconzo Law Office |

When you are working for an employer in the Palm Beach Gardens area and you receive a regular paycheck from your employer, you may be surprised or even shocked to realize that your employer has deducted certain amounts from your paycheck that you were not expecting. If and when this happens, you may be… Read More »

Was I Wrongfully Terminated from My Job?

By Sconzo Law Office |

If you were recently fired or terminated from your job, you may be wondering if your employer violated an existing state or federal law in doing so, and whether you could have options for seeking a remedy. Many people incorrectly assume that any termination in a Florida workplace — regardless of the reason —… Read More »

Is Bullying Unlawful in the Workplace?

By Sconzo Law Office |

Bullying in a workplace can be debilitating for employees who are targeted by it, and it can affect the entire workplace — including the productivity of other employees who witness the bullying or must work in an environment where bullying is common. Generally speaking, bullying on its own is not specifically unlawful. In other… Read More »

What is a Whistleblower?

By Sconzo Law Office |

Have you been asked to perform job duties that are unlawful or unethical, or have you observed such actions occurring in your workplace? If you want to expose harmful, dangerous, unlawful, or unethical behavior taking place where you work, you could have protections as a whistleblower under Florida state and federal law. It can… Read More »

When Jokes at Work Become a Florida Sexual Harassment Claim

By Sconzo Law Office |

People come from different backgrounds, and they bring their unique experiences to the workplace. As a result, what may be a joke to one person could be highly offensive to another. This is especially true with comments of a sexual nature or which pertain to a person’s sex. Jokes can even rise to the… Read More »

How Wage Theft Happens to Tipped Employees in Florida

By Sconzo Law Office |

Wage theft is against the law in many different contexts, but it can be surprisingly easy to hide when it comes to tipped employees in Florida. Whenever it does occur, you can be sure that officials will take action as they did recently against an employer. The US Department of Labor – Wage and… Read More »

DOL Issues Final Rule on Employee-Independent Contractor Classification

By Sconzo Law Office |

The distinction between employees and independent contractors is an important one, but it can also be one of the cloudier issues when it comes to classifying workers. Companies who seek to cut corners and costs may attempt to label a person as a contractor, denying the various benefits that come with the employer-employee relationship…. Read More »

FAQs About Sex Discrimination Cases in Florida

By Sconzo Law Office |

Federal and Florida anti-discrimination laws prohibit employers from treating employees differently because of protected characteristics, including both sex and gender. As defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sex-based discrimination is treating a worker unfavorably due to factors related to sex, gender, orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy. Despite these prohibitions, the EEOC still… Read More »

What Protections Do I Have Against Age Discrimination in Florida?

By Sconzo Law Office |

When you work in Palm Beach Gardens or for an employer nearby in Florida, you may have protections against age discrimination in the workplace under federal and/or state law. Age discrimination is just one type of employment discrimination, but it takes specific forms. Depending upon your age, and the number of employees in your… Read More »

What Forms Can Sexual Harassment Take?

By Sconzo Law Office |

Sexual harassment can take many different forms in Palm Beach Gardens workplaces, and sometimes it can be difficult for employees to know if they are experiencing offensive conduct or behavior that rises to the level of harassment. Whenever you have any concerns about sexual harassment, whether you are the target or your workplace is… Read More »