Steps To Take With Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment In Florida

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of discrimination that is prohibited by federal law, but many employees are not aware that there are two types. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) describes one as creating a hostile work environment, which occurs when an employee is subjected to extreme, offensive behavior because of sex. The second is termed quid pro quo, where a supervisor seeks sexual favors in exchange for extending a benefit to the employee.
Quid pro quo sexual harassment is especially harmful because of the potential effects on your job and employment future. The harasser could take the opposite approach, telling you that you will be terminated or demoted if you do not comply. You do have rights, so it is important to get in touch with a Palm Beach County sexual harassment lawyer asap. Additional steps include:
Tell the Harasser to Stop NOW:
Whether you do it in the moment or a later discussion, inform the harasser that you do not welcome advances and the behavior makes you uncomfortable. Express yourself in clear, specific terms that you expect the quid pro quo sexual harassment to stop. Confronting the offender may put an end to things, but it is also important as evidence to show that you made your intentions known.
Write Down Your Experience:
Jot notes on the date, time, and location of the incident. Outline the conversation with the harasser, including details on any witnesses. It is important to write down this information because your memory may fade over time. Make sure to date each entry, just in case harassment stops – and starts back up again.
Keep All Records:
Take electronic copies or screenshots of all emails, messages, photos, social media content, and other information that may be relevant to a sexual harassment claim. Access your personnel record, job performance reviews, and productivity reports. These may be useful if your employer takes retaliatory action and falsely claims you were terminated for poor performance. Keep all records in a safe place away from your workplace.
Talk to a Trusted Resource:
Discuss your experience with a family member, friend, or co-worker. Not only will talking about it help you heal, but they may be useful as witnesses. These individuals can describe your mental and emotional state after suffering quid pro quo sexual harassment at work.
File a Charge:
To move forward with a sexual harassment claim, you will file a charge with the EEOC or Florida officials. You may resolve your charge through the administrative process, and you can also take your case to court.
Contact a Florida Sexual Harassment Attorney Right Away
Many employees feel pressure to stay quiet or are unsure where to begin with enforcing their rights, so knowing these steps is helpful. You should also make it a priority to retain experienced legal counsel, and our lawyers at Sconzo Law Office are prepared to assist. Please contact our offices in Palm Beach Gardens by calling 561-279-6114 or checking us out online. We can offer additional tips and advise you on the process after we review your situation.